Upcycling on trend in 2020.

Something from Nothing
Melbourne International Millinery Competition 2020 is currently underway. Australia's most renowned millinery competition is back for the fourth year. This time, the competition organizers want you to make 'Something from Nothing'. Or almost nothing. They want milliners to design a hat or headpiece, creating something delightful using materials you might discard or ignore. To take something re-loved and use scraps to create something stylish. It's all about wanting to thrill and amaze the judges.
The judging criteria included style, line, balance, weight, technique, finish and originality. Judges also took into account the percentage of re-cycled materials used. Read more: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/search-results?q=upcycling%20on%20trend
Sandy's Entry "Encapsulated"
Sandy Aslett from Hats by Sandy A started thinking outside the capsule and chose to design with discarded flyscreen wire & recycled Nespresso coffee aluminium pods. Her design is named "Encapsulated”. Sandy says "To start my design I had to shuck all used coffee from used Nespresso coffee pods just leaving the shell of the pod. The 1920’s brim is from discarded flyscreen wire & including wire edge for support and designer pods sewn one by one under flyscreen adding crystals to each pod on the top. Three encapsulated circles are added to the design. Blocking net is used for the base with an overlay of flyscreen wire. Encapsulated was a labour intensive designer headpiece but looks amazing!"
Congratulations to organiser Catherine Allen from MIMC. Professional judging & photographs will be published on the web and social media on Saturday 8th February 2020 with finalists named on Monday 10th February with the Grand Finale catwalk event taking place on 15th February from 6pm. If you would like to attend you can book your tickets here www.trybooking.com/BHEMB