It’s an overcast kind of day and I’m just a little over the wet weather, it doesn’t make it easy for making hats. Oh yes! it’s also just after Election outcome, so a great time to catch up on overdue news to keep you in touch with what’s happening in my millinery world.
I have certainly been very busy with events between the Sydney, Gold Coast and Brisbane recently, which has kept me on the hop, producing enough stock to display and sell, along with the requests from online store and regular clientele. No complaints as I love to be busy and enjoy the inspiration and energy charge that comes with the excitement of new designs for Autumn Winter Racing!
Now that we are free to move and travel it seems that everyone wants to frock up and look fab with new outfits and of course millinery to match. As mentioned in my last newsletter I was due to attend the Thoroughbred Events Australia signature Luncheon in March at the Tattersalls Club in Sydney (read more). Always a logistical challenge to fly down and back in one day with 2 huge boxes full of hats but then again, a few years back I made it to Dubai with about 8 boxes so I’ve had practice! This event was a huge success with lots of sales and happy racing ladies enjoying the day out. Oh, and I won the Thoroughbred Events Australia 1st Place- Best Golden Slipper Millinery Award... yay!

Last week was the “Stradbroke Season High Tea”, and “Stradbroke Season presented by TAB” hosted by Brisbane Racing Club (click here) and despite the unseasonal rain the ladies turned out in their finest with a sell out crowd in attendance. What a special day as a wonderful client of mine won Fashion on The Field so huge congrats to Megan!
Next weekend I’m off to the Gold Coast for Hats & Jewellery Lunch with host Debbie Miller from Fashion is My Passion at Shucks Restaurant. Join me in celebrating all things millinery, fashion accessories and hopefully a sell-out already, so hope the weather is great. I look forward to holding a stall alongside some renowned milliners and look forward to seeing you there on the day. If you cannot make it or missed out on purchasing your tickets then pop over to my website where you will find more millinery pieces for Autumn Winter racing now.
Futuristic planning -
Heads up Girls (no pun intended) be sure to plan well ahead for Spring/Summer as sourcing the colours and materials required are becoming a big challenge. My colour dyeing service will come in handy for those hard-to-get shades but the downside is the extra time needed to complete your orders.
Cheers Sandy